Rethinking the User Flow 

One of the major improvements to the flow was made at the information architecture level. Small incremental improvements can only get us this far. We decided to think big, and after collecting feedback and brainstorming as a team, we came up with a new, updated flow.

Looking at the data, we discovered that over 80% of our volunteers choose to immediately check in sold tickets, which means that most of the attendees buying tickets at the door enter the event right away and don’t require an email version of their ticket. This insight allowed us to create a brand new experience; we decided to customize the experience based on the time of purchase. This allowed us to focus only on the information that is necessary at the time of the event, and skip the rest.

Based on our findings, I got to design a prototype which, after a round of user testing and iterating, became our new improved experience. We were eager to roll it out to our event organizers and make their lives easier.

User flow:
Before event start time (pre-sale)
User flow:
After event start time (1hr before, during onsale)