Understanding the User

Who is our primary user?

Although event organizers are the ones who create events on Universe, they’re not usually the ones selling tickets at the door. We discovered that at-the-door ticket scanning and selling is usually done by volunteers, who are often unfamiliar with the Universe product and weren’t involved at any stage of the event creation process.

How are they going to use it?

How people use our app to sell at the door is different based on the event size.

Medium-Large events
Usually have three lineups: ticket scanning, ticket selling with cash, ticket selling with credit card.

Medium size events
Usually have two lineups - ticket selling and ticket scanning.

Small events
Organizers are closely involved and possibly perform the role of ticket seller/scanner. Our solution should target large event organizers, but should also be scalable for other use cases.

When are they going to use it?

Most ticket sales through our Box Office app are happening within a 1 hour window before the event and during the event. It may differ based on the event size.

Some organizers use the Box Office app to sell tickets for the event ahead of time. These users usually have a permanent setup and location (eg. movie theatre, museums, etc.).

Where are they going to use it?

The majority of Universe event organizers don’t have a permanent location and often throw events in non-traditional venues. Events are happening at rented venues, simultaneously at multiple venues, or even outdoors (festivals). Our solution should offer mobility to give them the ability to take their on-site sales tool with them wherever they go.

What are the key actions sellers take?

- Select ticket for the appropriate event
- Sell tickets with credit card
- Sell tickets with cash
- Give out change
- Collect buyer and attendee information
- Sell add-ons at the door
- Check in sold tickets
- Check in sold add-ons
- Apply discount codes
- Preview price breakdown

What are they trying to achieve?

Create a positive experience for the buyers by getting them through the door as quickly and seamlessly as possible.